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Maple BBQ Seasoned Pork Tenderloin

Filet de porc assaisonné au BBQ à l'érable

Maple BBQ seasoning is just right EVERYWHERE!!!


  1. Place a pork tenderloin on a baking sheet and brush it with a tasteless oil (ex: Canola, Sunflower, etc...).
  2. Sprinkle your OOMPH Maple BBQ seasoning on the pork tenderloin and rub the meat to moisten the seasoning.
  3. Let the meat rest in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes. 
  4. Bake for about 45 minutes at 350°F.
Don't hesitate to vary the seasonings for this recipe. You can also use Ranch or Spicy Cajun Seasoning.


Do you have a recipe that taste like heaven with Maple BBQ Seasoning? Let us know and we might put your recipe on our site!

Maple BBQ seasoning is here! 
